Additional Advice from Doodlien.eth

Summary of how I was scammed out of my MAYC

On Sunday March 27th, 2022 I was scammed out of my Mutant Ape Yacht Club NFT (MAYC #232) by someone going by the name of Ego.eth on Discord.

I was interested in getting a Doodle, so I decided to join the Doodles Discord on March 25th, to see if anyone was interested in trading CryptoMorie #4000 for a floor Doodle. Ego.eth responded to me, asking me to add him to my DMs. Ego.eth said he would be willing to trade for Doodle #5216. After a couple of days back and forth on Discord I set up a trade on to make the swap. Ego.eth said he’d prefer to use I agreed. I cancelled the transaction on the NFT Trader platform, and Ego.eth set up the veraswap transfer.

I manually typed into my browser, and connected my wallet to the site through MetaMask. Upon connection I saw a proposed swap, CryptoMorie #4000 for Doodle #5216. I Authorized the interaction with the CryptoMorie, then signed the contract with Metamask. After signing, I checked EtherScan and saw that the contract was moving my MAYC #232 to wallet 0x9d194cbca8d957c3fa4c7bb2b12ff83fca6398ee.

The MAYC was sold shortly there after and landed in this wallet.

A few days later, the MAYC was sold again and ended up in this wallet.

What I know

Helpful Thread from 0xQuit